Synthesis of MnO2 as Supercapacitor Electrodes Material by Green Chemistry Method Through Dehydroxylation of Tangerine Peel (Citrus reticulata) Essential Oil
Dewi Jalinan Izzah, Fauziatul Fajaroh, Adilah Aliyatulmuna, Sumari, Siti Marfu^ah

Universitas Negeri Malang


In this digital era, most human work requires electronic equipment. The performance of electronic equipment may be affected by energy storage components. Supercapacitors are one of the energy storage components, so the development of supercapacitor electrode materials using green chemical methods needs to be pursued, considering the need for renewable energy sources is increasing. Electrode material with a good specific capacitance compared to other materials, namely MnO2. However, most of the MnO2 synthesis methods are not based on green chemistry, so there needs to be an alternative method based on green chemistry. One of them is by utilizing the waste from tangerine peels. This study aimed to synthesize MnO2 from KMnO4 through dihydroxylation of tangerine peel essential oil in alkaline conditions.
The steps for conducting this research consisted of: 1) Isolation of tangerine peel essential oil using steam-water distillation, 2) Analysis of the constituent components of tangerine peel essential oil using GC-MS, 3) Synthesis of MnO2 from KMnO4 through dihydroxylation of essential oils tangerine peel, and 4) MnO2 characterization using XRD and SEM.
XRD test results showed that the MnO2 synthesized at pH 11 had the highest percentage of &#945--MnO2 (97%). This is evidenced by the presence of &#945--MnO2 diffractogram according to the ICSD standard pattern No. 20227. The SEM test results showed that the MnO2 synthesized at pH 11 had a spherical morphology but agglomerated with an average particle diameter of 39.51 nm. In addition, &#945--MnO2 has a larger (2 x 2) tunnel structure compared to &#946-- and &#947--MnO2. This makes it easier for the charge-discharge process, so that &#945--MnO2 has the potential as a supercapacitor electrodes material.

Keywords: Tangerine peel essential oil, green chemistry, MnO2, supercapacitor electrode

Topic: Science

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