The Effect of Chemistry Learning based on Differentiated Science Inquiry to Enhance Students^ Critical Thinking
Sherly Putri Utami 1,a), Ramlawati 2,b), Nursina Sya^bania 3,c), Muh. Alham Satnur 2,d)

1) Celebes Global School, Bau Mangga Street, Makassar 90231, Indonesia
2) State University of Makassar, A.P. Pettarani Street, Makassar 90222, Indonesia,
3) IKIP Muhammdiyah Maumere, Maumere 86118, Indonesia


Applying The 2013 Curriculum to improve students^ critical thinking skills still faces difficulties. Teacher did not pay attention to students^ initial ability in drawing up the lesson plan because they draw up it just to fulfill the administrative obligations. Learning materials based on differentiated science inquiry model has been developed so this study aims to determine whether there is the effect of chemistry learning based on the differentiated science inquiry model to improve students^ critical thinking. According to descriptive analysis, the N-Gain of the control class is 0.613 with medium category while the experiment class got 0,783 with high category. The N-Gain analysis of students^ critical thinking in each stage is in the high category where students of demonstrated, structured, guided, and self-directed inquiry got N-Gain as much as 0.737- 0.754- 0.801- 0.844. According to the inferential analysis, the data was not normal and homogeny distributed. The hypothesis was tested by Mann Whitney and showed that the significance is 0.00 > 0.05 means the chemistry learning based on DSI model has an effect to improve students^ critical thinking.

Keywords: differentiated science inquiry- students^ critical thinking

Topic: Chemistry Education

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