Evaluating Students Science Process Skills in Cognitive Domain Framework
Erni Yulianti, Agnes Yuni Pujiastuti, Shintia Ani Fatimatus Zahro, Nurul Hidayat

1)Study Program of Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
2)Public Senior High School 1 Malang, Malang, Indonesia
3)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Living in the 21st century is not easy. This is due to the ^flood^ of information is now accessible everywhere. The next generation must, therefore, be able scientifically literate. Responding to this issue, the orientation of schooling nowadays must ensure students to think. In science education context, scientific process skills are important for students. From the scholarly literatures search engine, we can find numerous reports about science process skills. However, evaluating scientific process skills through an online test with proper theoretical framework is rarely reported. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap by making the use of cognitive domain framework. We have developed open-ended test to measure students^ science process skills. The instruments had met the criteria of content and construct validities. Prior to implementation, the instrument was launched for pilot testing and met the criteria of reliability. Furthermore, 54 students from some junior high schools in Kediri District, Indonesia were involved in this study. The percentages of male and female students were 35.8% and 64.2%, respectively. In brief, we found that their basic and integrated science process skills tended in low levels. In addition, the role of gender on students^ science process skills was also discussed in this present study.

Keywords: science process skills, cognitive domain, 21st century skills, science education

Topic: Science Education

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