Developing Written Communication Skills in the Application of PBL
Muh. Syahriridani,1, a) Herawati Susilo,1, b) and Ibrohim,2 Frida Kunti Setiowati3, c)

Universitas Negeri Malang


Digitalization in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 makes human work easier and faster. Digital technology is massively used to build relationships between human beings in all parts of the world. Relationships are built through messages in the form of electronic mail that can be sent anytime and anywhere instantly. One of the skills needed to convey messages via electronic mail is written communication skills. There are three aspects of written communication skills that can be assessed, namely organizational patterns, selection of appropriate content, and clarity of language and conciseness of writing. The purpose of this study was to train student^s written communication skills through the application of problem-based learning (PBL) in the Plant Physiology course. The number of samples used were 30 students from the 2020 odd semester at the Department of Biology, State University of Malang. The results of data analysis showed that the average score of student^s written communication skills increased from the initial test to the final test in the aspects of using the pattern of writing organization by 15.22%, providing appropriate content by 14.89%, and clarity and conciseness by 13.56%. Students improve their written communication skills from the initial test in the low category to the final test in the medium category, with details of 19 students on the aspect of using the pattern of writing organization, 19 students on the aspect of providing appropriate content, and 18 students on the aspect of clarity and conciseness of writing. The ability of students in writing is very dependent on understanding concepts and the ability to process information in the problem solving process in learning.

Keywords: Physiology Course, Problem-Based Learning, Written Communication Skill,

Topic: Biology Education

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