The Application of DLPCA-Blended Learning Strategy in Chemistry Education
Nur Candra Eka Setiawan(a,b*) and Mohd Shafie Rosli (a)

a)School of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
b)Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused all learning in Indonesia to be carried out online. For more than a year the learning was carried out online. Here, we present a description of online learning conducted for undergraduate students of Chemistry Education at the Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Malang on reaction rate practicum material. The blended learning strategy consisted of five stages known as Discover, Learn, Practice, Collaborate, and Assess (DLPCA). Under the DLPCA strategy, the asynchronous part of teaching was done with video recordings which are shared in the learning management system under the name SIPEJAR to allow students to learn at their own pace. The synchronous part of the teaching was done using a video conferencing platform in the form of Google Meet. The DLPCA strategy was presented and discussed with students before being implemented. The analysis of teaching and learning experiences based on two indicators (i) student learning experience , and (ii) student academic achievement, showed that DLPCA had a positive impact on students. The challenges identified were the stability of the internet connection and hands-on learning experiences in understanding laboratory tools. Instructors must also find ways to increase their interactions with students and maintain student interest and engagement during online classes. The survey also shows that most of the students are satisfied with the DLCPA strategy. Therefore, this strategy is considered a manageable that can be adapted to full online instruction for other Bachelor of Chemistry Education courses.

Keywords: DLPCA- Blended Learning

Topic: Chemistry Education

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