How are The Efforts of Educational Practitioners to Improve The Scientific Literacy of Students in Science Learning in Indonesia? A Literature Review
Nina Khaerunnisa (a*), Insih Wilujeng (b), Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo (c)

a) b) c) Department of Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Scientific literacy is the main goal of 21st century science education. In terms of scientific literacy, the international science educator community is concerned with the skills that 21st century citizens, including Indonesia, need to have. Scientific literacy, as defined in the PISA 2018 Assessment and Analysis Framework, refers to students ability to work on scientific topics and ideas as a reflexive citizen. The Covid-19 pandemic that emerged in early 2020 made learning activities slightly changed from those previously applying online learning so that face-to-face became online learning so that educators and education practitioners need to work on how to improve students scientific literacy in science learning even in a pandemic condition. The purpose of this study is to find out how the efforts of educational practitioners to improve the scientific literacy of students in science learning in Indonesia. The research method by searching for literature in the form of international and national articles searched using Google Scholar and Sciencedirect published in the last 4 years, found 12 articles by entering the keywords scientific literacy and science learning. The results of the review on 7 international articles and 5 national articles state that the scientific literacy of students in science learning in Indonesia is still relatively low, this is also contained in the PISA 2018 results. The Covid-19 pandemic has restrained the enthusiasm and efforts of education practitioners to continue to improve scientific literacy. students in science learning. Various efforts have been made by education practitioners to improve students scientific literacy in science learning. Efforts that have been made to improve the scientific literacy of students in science learning include the application of appropriate learning methods or approaches or models, the development of effective learning tools, and the development of innovative learning media.

Keywords: Science Learning, Scientific Literacy

Topic: Science Education

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