The Effectiveness of Blended Learning-Guided Inquiry Model on Chemical Literacy in Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions
Sumari (a), Bilqis Rahma Kinanthi (a), Laksmi Purnajanti (b)

a) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang.
b) SMAN 2 Malang


Due to COVID-19, the entire learning process must be held online. Online learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic could affect students^ literacy skills if the learning is not optimally carried out. One of the learning models that can be applied to support students^ chemical literacy is the guided inquiry learning model. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the guided inquiry learning model on chemical literacy of high school students on electrolyte and nonelectrolyte material in 10 grade SMA Negeri 2 Malang. The research type is a quasi-experimental. The design in this study used a pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects of this study were students of SMAN 2 Malang, grade X MIPA-2 as the control group and grade X MIPA-3 as the experimental group. The experimental group was given guided inquiry learning, while the control group was given expository learning. The chemical literacy test instrument adapted from the instrument developed by Zaidah. The results of the chemical literacy test are used to determine the chemical literacy ability and scientific attitude of students. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney test through SPSS 25 for Windows. The results showed that: 1. There is no significant difference in increasing chemical literacy skills, 2. The effectiveness of guided inquiry learning in electrolyte and nonelectrolyte material is in the medium category with a score of 0.2227.

Keywords: guided inquiry, chemical literacy, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte

Topic: Chemistry Education

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