Designing Embedded Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Practice using Mathematical Modeling Instruction for Enhancing Teaching Quality
Bambang Riyanto

SMKN 1 Sungai Menang


The research problem of this study is how to design Designing Embedded Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Practice in Vocational High School using Mathematical Modeling Instruction for Enhancing Teaching Quality which is valid?. This study used development research approach developed by Akker, Gravemeijer, McKenney and Nieveen. This development research consists of 3 step, namely analysis, design and evaluation. In the analysis step, student analysis, curriculum, mathematical modeling and real-world problems were implemented. The second step, design and product. The last step, the researcher used a formative evaluation design consisting of self-evaluation, one-to-one, expert review, small group, and field tests. The data are analyzed using descriptive analysis method: (1) walk through, analysis based on expert comments in expert review to get valid Embedded Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Practice using Mathematical Modeling Instruction for Enhancing Teaching Quality- (2) Analyze the results of the review in one to one. Based on expert validation the problem of modeling was good and challenging in Embedding Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Practice using Mathematical Modeling Instruction. Student comment that these modeling tasks are interesting and enjoyable. Student could pose mathematics problem as well as solve the problem. So, it was obtained valid Embedding Formative Assessment in Mathematics Classroom Practice in Vocational High School using Mathematical Modeling Instruction for Enhancing Teaching Quality.

Keywords: Formatif Assessment, Mathematical Modeling Instruction, Quality Teaching

Topic: Mathematics Education

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