Development of Sparkol Videoscribe-based Learning Video on Pressure Topic to Improve Students^ Learning Achievement
Luwis Goestafo Al Gofur, Yessi Affriyenni*, Agung Mulyo Setiawan, Erti Hamimi, Muhammad Fajar Marsuki, Gareta Yoga Eka Wardani

Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jl. Semarang 5 Malang, 65145, Indonesia


Nowadays, technology plays an important role in developing learning media including learning videos. Learning videos as one type of learning resource are quite powerful to ease the teaching load and provide alternative learning sources for students. Hence, the objective of this research is to produce a Sparkol Videoscribe-based learning video based on Science subjects, especially on the Pressure topic and its application in everyday life, that is feasible to be used in learning activities. Sparkol Videoscribe-based learning video enables an upgraded learning experience compared to common learning videos through its capability to integrate mind-maps, figures, audio, and music to actively involve and motivate students in their learning process. The research used the research and development (R&D) method with Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluation (ADDIE) stages used as the research model. The research subjects included 25 eighth-graders from SMP Negeri 21 Malang. Qualitative and quantitative data were obtained in this study using questionnaires and pretest-posttest items. Questionnaires were used in the validation test, practicality test, and readability test while the pretest-posttest items were used in the effectiveness test. The results of validation analysis of the content aspect, media aspect, and test items are classified as very valid with each obtained scores of 79.91%, 86.45%, and 78.57% respectively. Based on the science teacher^s media practicality test and readability test conducted on 25 eighth graders, the media was classified as very feasible to use with each obtained scores of 77.22% and 83.25%, respectively. The statistical test to evaluate normality in the pre-test and post-test findings yielded a significant number of 0.166, indicating that the data was normally distributed. Furthermore, the t-test findings yielded a significant value of 0.000, implying that there was a substantial difference in student learning outcomes. Based on

Keywords: Learning Video, Sparkol Videoscribe, Pressure Topic, Learning Achievement

Topic: Science Education

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