Effects of Xanthan Gum and Feed Moisture on The Physical Properties and Cooking Quality of Rice Noodles Production using Pasta Extuder
Nur Aulia Ramadhani (a, b), Simon Bambang Widjanarko(b), Shao-Yang Hu(a), Jenshinn Lin(c)

a. Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, 91201 Taiwan
b. Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang,
65145 Indonesia
c. Department of Food Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, 91201 Taiwan
Corresponding E-mail: jlin[at]mail.npust.edu.tw


Noodles are one of the staple food that popular in Asia since ancient time with various formulation and shape. Noodle quality is assesed by its appearance, texture, eating quality, and cooking properties. Noodles can be made with traditional and extrusion ways. Pasta extruder is the contemporary machine which use to make pasta with many kind of shape. For improving the physical characteristic of rice noodle, xanthan gum is the one kind of hydrocolloid. It has functions such as improve the textural quality, water binding capacity and stabilize structure the dough. Not only amount of xantan gum affect to the physical characteristic of rice noodle, but also feed mositure content. Feed moisture content is important factor that affect to the quality of the noodle. This research aimed to investigate the effect of xanthan gum (0 percent, 1 percent, 1.5 percent and 2 percent) and feed moisture (35 percent, 40 percent and 45 percent) on characteristic of rice noodle by using a pasta extruder machine. This study resulted the best treatment with xanthan gum 1.5 percent and feed moisture 40 percent. This treatment has the value of cooking time 5.83 minute, cooking loss 5.95 percent and water absorption 274.12 percent, hardness 0.3887, adhesiveness = 0,0027 L = 75.51, a = 0.53 and b = 8.92.

Keywords: Rice Noodles, Extrusion, Xanthan Gum, Feed Moisture, Pasta Extruder

Topic: Agricultural product technology

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