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Analysis of Trigonelline Compounds in Coffee using Temperature Programmable Inlet (TPI) in GC-MS
Lisa Nurwidya M. Sakaria, Setya Ayu Aprilia, Neena Zakia, Surjani Wonorahardjo

Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Malang


Coffee contains many chemical compounds which are useful for health. Trigonelline is a non-volatile compound that can be identified using LC-MS and HPLC methods after some steps of sample preparation. In this study, trigonelline analysis was carried out by developing a programmable inlet temperature in GC-MS using various injection temperatures. Some components might have been the result of trigonelline decomposition into smaller molecules which determine the coffee flavors. The coffee sample used was Arabica Lemar coffee from the Wonosantri Abadi plantation, Malang, Indonesia. The research includes grinding and solvent extraction before different temperatures for injection into the chromatography column. The results showed that at higher injection temperatures, the presence of some chemicals or pyridine derivative compounds was detected. The profiles were different from one to other roasting temperatures or injection temperatures. More investigation would be done to follow the changes in chemical components due to temperature, in which the presence of other components would also be acknowledged. In natural products all components^ presence count in bringing the properties together in a unique way.

Keywords: Trigonelline, GC-MS, Injection Temperature

Topic: Analytical Chemistry

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