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Potential Of East Java Indigenous Anammox Microbes From Selorejo Reservoir As Degrading Agents Of Ammonia Wastewater
Much. Sayfulloh Alwy,1, a) Eli Hendrik Sanjaya,1, b) Abdul Khafid Syahroni,1,c) Mohd Fadhil MD Din 2, d) , Suharti Suharti1,e) , Mieke Alvionita1,f), Anugrah Ricky Wijaya1,g), Muntholib Muntholib1,h), Sitoresmi Prabaningtyas3,i), and Hong Chen4,j)

1) Departement of Chemistry, Faculty Of Matematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang. Jl. Semarang No 5 Malang 65145, Est Java, Indonesia
2) Civil and Environmental Enginering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
3) Departement Of Biology Faculty Of Matematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang. Jl. Semarang No 5 Malang 65145, Est Java, Indonesia.
4) School Of Hydraulic Enginering, Changsha University Of Scince and Technology, Changsha, 410004, China.


Anammox (Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation) microbes play a role in the process of changing from ammonium ions to nitrogen gas with nitrite as an electron acceptor. Eventhough most of the Indonesian territorial are rivers and sea which very suitable for Anammox microbial growth, the research about Anammox microbes in Indonesia are very limited.One of the waters that may be inhabited by Anammox microbes is the Selorejo Reservoir which is expected to be inhabited by Anammox Cadindatus Brocadia microbes. This study aims to determine the presence of Anammox microbes and their activities in the waters of the Selorejo Reservoir using the Anaerobic Bottle Bath Reactor method. The stages in this research include: (1) sample preparation (2) Anammox microbes analysis using NGS (3) isolation of bacteria with an Anaerobic Bottle Reactor (4) testing bacterial activity in reducing ammonia levels using Colorimetry. The results of this study showed that Next Generation Squencing (NGS) analysis detected an indigenous Anammox microbial of Cadindatus Kuineneia Stutgartensis with an abundance of 0,1% of the total microbes present. In addition to anammox microbes, there are also other microbes that play a role in the nitrogen cycle, which are nitriification and denitrification bacteria, namely Nitrospira, Nitrosococcus, Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas, and Pseudomonas. The Average of Ammonia during batch experiments is 0.10%/Day

Keywords: Anammox, Reactor, Cadindatus Brocadia, Indigen, Cadindatus Kuinenia Stutgartensis.

Topic: Biochemistry

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