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The effect of bisulphite salt on traditional coconut sugar production
Ellya Indahyanti (1a), Bambang Ismuyanto(2), Budi Kamulyan(1)

(1) Chemistry Deparment, Brawijaya University
(2) Chemical Engineering Deparment, Brawijaya University


Bisulphite salt sometimes added into foods as a preservative agent. It was added into coconut sap and reproduced coconut sugar. Coconut sap quality is based on its pH, reducing sugar and sucrose content, while coconut sugar is not only depend on its reducing sugar, sucrose and water content but also the bisulphite residual. The Lane-Eynon volumetric method was used to determine sugar content, and gravimetry for water content. Volumetric method was also used to measure bisulphite residual. Addition of bisulphite salt could inhibit the development of microbes saccaromyces cereviciae in coconut sap. Some of the disaccharide sugars undergo hydrolysis into glucose and fructose, and continue to fermentation process to form acetic acid and several other organic acids.

Keywords: Bisulphit salt, reducing sugar, coconut sap

Topic: Analytical Chemistry

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