Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline (PANi)-Cellulose acetate Using Vapor Phase Polymerization (VPP) Method Nadila Anggraini Subagiyo, Dwi Indarti1, Bambang Piluharto
Biomaterial Research Group, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Jember, Jalan Kalimantan 37 - Kampus Bumi Tegal Boto Kotak Pos 159 Jember 68121
Polyaniline has a weakness in the form of physical properties that are rigid and easily brittle, so it is necessary to composite it with a matrix that can overcome these weaknesses. Cellulose acetate is a membrane matrix that can be used to form composites with polyaniline because it has flexible properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in polymerization time on the PANi-cellulose acetate composite and the effect of the pore composition of the cellulose acetate membrane matrix on the conductivity value and to determine the characterization of functional groups. The synthesis of the PANi-cellulose acetate composite in this study was carried out using the vapor phase polymerization method with variations in polymerization time of 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The membrane matrix used in this study consisted of 3 variations of composition based on Molecular Weight Cut Off (MWCO) for each membrane are > 100 kDa, 100 kDa and > 40 kDa. The results of the synthesis produced a green PANi-cellulose acetate composite. The average conductivity value of the PANi-cellulose acetate composite produced was 10^-5 S/cm. The highest conductivity value was produced by the PANi-cellulose acetate composite membrane > 100 kDa with a polymerization time of 20 minutes of 4,39x10^-5 S/cm. FTIR analysis on each composite revealed the presence of typical polyaniline peaks in the form of quinoid and benzoid rings. The typical peak intensity of polyaniline also increases with the increase in the conductivity value of the PANi-cellulose acetate composite.