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The Effect of Wet Hulling Process of Green Bean Coffee on Chemical Compounds in Arabica Coffee
Surjani Wonorahardjo, Fazria Rizqi Maharani, Chariztya Anggita Maharani, Hanumi Oktiyani Rusdi, Suharti Suharti, Yudhi Utomo, Dian Puspita Sarii Oktiyani Rusdi, , Suharti Suharti (1)

Chemistry Department
State University of Malang
Jl. Semarang 5


The hulling process of green bean coffee has been investigated under fermentation. Fermented coffee is called ^honey^ coffee in contrast with ^natural^ coffee, in which no water is added during hulling. The taste and aroma of honey coffee are preferable for some people, which is why the chemical composition is to be investigated. Fermentation allows changes in protein structure in the presence of carbohydrates as well. The changes gave effect to the smaller compounds during roasting degradation. The chemical profiles change along with increased temperatures, giving volatile components responsible for the flavour and typical coffee odour. The chemical compositions were analyzed using gas and liquid chromatography for the volatile and non-volatile components. Caffeine, as the typical compound of coffee, is found less in the amount in fermented coffee beans through conventional UV-vis experiments. The volatile and non-volatile profiles differed from the gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry results. Some intensive investigations of the components are being conducted, especially for more extended chain acid components, including trigonelline and chlorogenic acid.

Keywords: coffee, fermentation, GCMS, LCMS

Topic: Analytical Chemistry

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