Chemical Properties of Duck Gelatin Produced from Several Different Bone Parts using a Multilevel Extraction Method Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi Abstract Gelatin extraction from the poultry bone has been carried out by several previous studies, but mostly it does not meet SNI standards. Improvements in extraction procedures and the selection of different bone sources need to be further investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of duck gelatin extracted from several different parts of the bone using the multilevel extraction method. The extraction used a modified result of previous research, using 0.5 M HCl for 12 hours followed by 1M HCl for 12 hours. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design with 4 treatments, namely TB (tibia bone), RB (radius bone), HB (humerus bone), and SB (sternum bone). The results showed that the extraction of gelatin from several different parts of the bone gave a significant effect (P<0.05) on the ash, fat, and protein content but tended not to be significant effect on the yield, water and carbohydrate content. The water content of gelatin from TB, RB, HB, and SB was 3.79- 4.97- 5.14- 4.83, ash content was 7.94- 5.44- 4.34- 2.12, fat content was 5.48- 5.95- 5.95- 4.45, protein content was 64.62- 69.67- 67.79- 74.45, carbohydrate by difference content was 18.16- 13.95- 16.75- 14.14, and yield percentage was 9.36-11.5-11.7-10.77. Overall, only the gelatin extracted from the sternum (SB) met SNI standards for all parameters. The results of this research provide an evaluation of previous research. Gelatin SB can be used as raw material for making biomaterials such as edible films and bioplastics for further research. Keywords: chemical properties, duck bone, gelatin, multilevel extraction Topic: Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Pharmaceuticals Industry |
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