Analysis of Tannins and Saponins in Sticks Made From Chayote Flour (Sechium edule)
Nurul Hatifah and Jamaludin M. Sakung

Tadulako University


Sticks are snacks consumed by the people. Sticks are a type of food that is made by frying. Sticks made from chayote flour (Sechium edule) are food products that contain tannins and saponins. This study aims to determine the levels of tannins and saponins on sticks made from chayote flour. Sample extraction was carried out by maceration method with 96% ethanol as solvent. The tannin compounds in the sample extracts were analyzed using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometry method, while the saponin compounds in the sample extracts were analyzed using the Gravimetric method. The results showed that the tannin content of the chayote stick was 0.442:0.012 g/100g and the saponin content of the chayote stick was 2.090:0.018 g/100g. So the results of this study indicate that chayote sticks contain tannin and saponin compounds that can be used as snacks that are beneficial to the body.

Keywords: Sticks, chayote, tannins, saponins

Topic: Biochemistry

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