Docking of Heparin 2S and 2SNS with 4C1 IDS Conformation Oligomer on FGF2-FGFR1 Terner Complex. 1) UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jl. Gajayana No.50 Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 65144. Abstract Based on clinical trial data, it seems that heparin has potential as an anticancer. Heparin is an oligosaccharide consisting of repeating units of glucosamine and iduronic acid. Heparin can have varying lengths of repeating units and sulfo groups attached to different positions. The iduronic acid in heparin can naturally be in the 2S0, 1C4 or 4C1 conformation. In this study, the potential and interaction of 2S and 2SNS heparin oligosaccharides with the iduronic conformation 4C1 with variations in length of 2-12 saccharide oligomers to FGF2-FGFR1 terner ligan-receptor complex will be studied by molecular docking using Autodock 4.2 with the default force field. The receptor suppose to be related to anticancer activity. This study aims to determine the preferential structure of the heparin-ligand-receptor complex, the interaction and the potential of the heparin length variation as an anticancer. Predictive test of heparin activity in preventing or inhibiting growth and spread (anti-neoplastic) in cancer used PassOnline. The stability of the docked complex structure was tested again by optimizing the docked structure on YASARA using the NOVA AMBER force field. Keywords: docking, heparin, FGF2, FGFR1 Topic: Computational Chemistry and Material Sciences |
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