Analysis of Packed Drinking Water by Physical and Chemical Parameters 1) Departement of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No. 5, Malang, East Java, Indonesia Abstract Packed drinking water is a product consumed by all levels of society and has become part of the necessities of life. This study aims to analyze the quality of packed water from four products on the market in terms of physical and chemical parameters based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Physical parameters are organoleptic tests, total dissolved oxygen (TDS), and conductivity. The results of the physical parameter test show that drinking water has a clear, tasteless, smelly color with total dissolved oxygen (TDS) of 127.9 - 138.2 NTU and a conductivity of 256 - 277. Chemical parameters are pH testing, ozone levels, and hardness. Chemical parameter test results show that drinking water has a pH of 6.98 - 8.85, an ozone level of 0.09-0.3 mg/L, and a hardness of 101.067 and 106.02. Overall, the test results show that the quality of packed drinking water meets Indonesian national standards. Keywords: drinking water, TDS, conductivity, pH, ozone levels, hardness Topic: Analytical Chemistry |
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