The Development of Guided Inquiry-Based Learning Resources as a Strategy for Achieving Student Competencies in Teaching Cation Analysis
Frisca Zahrona Utami Harahap*, Manihar Situmorang, Nurfajriani

Post Graduate School of Chemistry Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia


This study aims to develop an innovative guided inquiry-based learning resource as a strategy for achieving student competence in the teaching of Analytical Chemistry. The research was conducted during the Covid 19 pandemic, involving 30 undergraduate students. Research stages include the development of innovative learning resources based on guided inquiry to guide students to conduct investigations, include asking, researching, reporting investigation result, and share finding information to hone students higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). The implementation of innovative learning resources has succeeded in facilitating students to actively learn independently and presenting theirs. Subjective assessment of HOTS based on the investigation report for three aspects of analysis,evaluate,create classified as high 85.07. Guided inquiry-based learning succeeded in facilitating students to learn Analytical Chemistry, and students mastery of Cation Analysis was assigned to be high 83.16. Guided inquiry-based learning is appropriate use to build HOTS as a strategy in achieving students learning competencies

Keywords: Cation analysis- Competence- Guided inquiry

Topic: Education and Research Global Issue

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