Development of Design and Implementation of Hybrid Learning About Vibration and Waves Using Understanding by Design (UbD) Approach
Christine Magdalena Br siregar, Derlina, Rita Juliani

Universitas Negeri Medan


This research aim to: (1) To analyze the design of UbD^s approach with backward design in Physics lessons with the subject of Vibration and Waves. (2) To analyze the feasibility of UbD^s approach with backward design to be applied in Physics lessons with the subject of Vibration and Waves. (3) To find out the effectiveness of UbD^s approach with backward design in learning Physics on the subject of Vibration and Waves. The design of this research is quantitative research and qualitative research. The product development using research and development ADDIE concept. As the testing of this product, researcher use quasi experiment with the 2 groups pretest-posttest design with a sampling technique of cluster random sampling. Sampling was carried out on students of class VIII SMP Surabaya Grammar School. The sample in this research will consist of two classes which are: experimental class, a class that was taught using Understanding by Design approach (backward design) and another class was used as a class control class that was taught using a forward design as usual. The instrument used is an instrument of conceptual understanding that has been validated by experts. The research design used was a quasi-experimental design with a two-group pretest-post-test design. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive quantitative data analysis technique. The quantitative descriptive analysis technique was obtained from a worksheet which was then quantified in order to get the results in the form of numbers. The results obtained indicate that there is a significant effect on students^ conceptual understanding using Undestanding by Design (UbD) approach on vibration and wave material.

Keywords: Understanding by Design (UbD), Hybrid Learning, conceptual understanding.

Topic: Curriculum, Research and Development

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