How Does Online Learning Impact Elementary School Student Development?
Regina Sipayung (*a), Johannes Sohirimon Lumbanbatu (b), Godlif Sianipar (c) Din Oloan Sihotang (b)

a) Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan
b) STP St. Bonaventura Keuskupan Agung Medan
c) Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan


Many factors influence the development of elementary school students and their education. The online learning he experienced was one of them. This is due to the lack of stimulation during online learning, many teachers have difficulty in making learning modules and managing distance learning, the busyness of parents due to work results in a lack of assistance in learning and playing for children. This study was aimed at determining the developmental disorders in elementary school children during online learning. The participants in this study were teachers and parents at four private elementary school institutions in Medan. The research method used is qualitative with descriptive techniques and content analysis. collecting data through field observations and interviews. ATLAS.ti application used to displays research data. Research findings show that online learning has an effect on psychosocial development disorders of children at elementary school age, namely the limited interaction of children with other people and reduced communication skills. This disorder has implications for the alienation of children in their daily social life.

Keywords: online learning, students growth

Topic: Education and Research Global Issue

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