The Role of Farmer Group Members in Building Farmers Economic Institutions Through The Agribusiness Sub-Terminal (Sta) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency
Dwi Febrimeli(a*), Muhammad Teguh Prayogie(a), and M. Jufri (b)

(a) Department of Sustainable Agricultural Extension, Agricultural development Polytechnic of Medan,
Jl. Binjai Km 10 Tromol Pos 18 Medan, Indonesia
* dwimemel[at]
(b) Agriculture Faculty, North Sumatera University


The farmers must be involved in the process of growing and developing the Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA). Only then can this terminal play an optimal role. Therefore, they must be the subject of the process. This study examined the level of the role of farmer group members and the factors that influence their participation in the Farmers^ Economic Institution through the Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA). Sidodadi Ramunia Village at Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency were used as a location of the research. There are observation and interview methods by questionnaires with Likert scale that were tested before for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the data analyses used the linear regression method. The result of the study indicated that farmer group members are highly involved in building the Farmers Economic Institution through the Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA) with 91.54 percent. The role of the agricultural extension worker and the head of the farmer group significantly influenced Farmer group members^ roles. Additionally, farmers^ independence also showed the same effect. Currently, no significant effect can be observed from government policies. Effective farmer institutions are expected to be able to build a real contribution in increasing their independence and dignity to increase their bargaining position.

Keywords: Role, Farmer Economic Institution, Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA), role of agriculture extension, head of farmer group, farmer independence, government policy

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

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