Distribution of Major Viruses on Shallot in Indonesia
Heri Harti (a*), Sobir (a,b), Suryo Wiyono (a,c), Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat (c)

a) Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies , IPB University
Kampus IPB Baranangsiang Jalan Pajajaran Bogor 16127. Indonesia

b) Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture , Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Jl. Meranti, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680. Indonesia

c) Departement of Plant Protection , Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University.
Jl. Kamper, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680. Indonesia


Shallot production in Indonesia is threatened by viral diseases. The study was conducted to detect the main viruses infecting shallots and obtain data on their spread in Indonesia. Research activities included survey to several production centers of shallots (Brebes, Probolinggo, Solok, Bima and Enrekang) to observe the incidence of disease and collect samples for identification of viruses in the laboratory. The main symptoms found in the field involved flat leaves with yellow striped leaves in the center, green stripes, yellow stripes and wrinkled. Four main viruses, namely OYDV, SYSV, GarCLV and SLV were successfully detected by the dot immunobinding assay (DIBA) method and were found in Brebes, Probolinggo, Solok, and Enrekang. Based on observations of symptoms in the field it was known that the highest incidence of viral diseases is in Brebes (70.81%) while the lowest was in Bima (25.17%). Factors influencing the incidence of the virus included planted varieties, altitude, the origin of the seeds, and application of manure.

Keywords: disease incidence, dot immunobinding assay, origin of seeds, production center, survey

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

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