Identification of Fungi Associated with Potato Tuber Causes Dry Rot in Lembang
Novi Irawati, Asma Sembiring

Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI)


Dry rot, caused by various species of Fusarium is one of the most important fungal storage rots affecting potato. Infection of tubers occurs through wounds during planting, mechanical harvesting, and grading into size bands. The research aimed to identified the fungus carried by the tuber and its virulence that have been carried out at the IVEGRI research station - Lembang, West Java since Mei 2020 until July 2021. Isolation and virulence test were carried out at the Laboratory of Micology at IVEGRI. The observed variables were the morphological character of the fungus, Koch^s Postulate test, and its virulence. In total, 8 isolates of Fusarium spp. were recovered and they are belong to Fusarium oxysporum and F. Solani. In Koch^s Postulate test, all isolates showed necrotic symptoms with varying necrotic areas. The necrotic areas of each isolate were Spudy 2 (1.7 cm), AR08 (1.37 cm), Atlantik 3 (1.33cm), Sangkuriang 2 (1.3 cm), Atlantik 7 (without symptoms, 1.07 cm), Spudy 3 (0.83 cm), Papita 1 (0.73 cm), and Sangkuriang 1 (0.67 cm) respectively. From the necrotic area value, it can be seen that Spudy 2 isolate had the highest virulence. Fungal pathogen were also found from potato tubers that looked healthy.

Keywords: Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, soilborne

Topic: Food Supply Chain and Agribusiness

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