Facilitating Business of Young Agro-Preneurship Through Value Chain Partnership and Optimizing the Digital Channel/Technology to Improve the Market
Tri Ismono, M Sukri, Amelia Gita Tifani

Yayasan Mercy Corps Indonesia


Abstract- The lack of young farmers is one factor that inhibits the development of the agriculture sector in Indonesia. The number of older farmers is increasing, while the younger ones are decreasing (Arvianti et al., 2019). John Deere and Mercy Corps Indonesia initiated the POWER 2 program, which focuses on assisting young farmers as movers and agents of change in the agriculture sector (including horticulture). The program aims to improve capacity and knowledge of young agroprenuers to be able adjust with the changes of agribusiness sector value chain partnerships utilizing the latest technologies (including digital channels). The program facilitates young farmers to take advantage of ag-mechanization/technology and financial access and strengthen their business management. One success story comes from Banyuwangi regency: Beni Irwanto (27 years old), a young farmer in a farmer group. Today, he produces healthy drinks made from local lemons by adopting new production technology and promotes as well as markets the products online using a digital platform. The young farmer^s business has helped local small-scale lemon farmers receive better prices for their crops- these young farmers^ involvement in utilizing technology and adapting to a new era is also improving the community^s/farmers^ economy.

Keywords: POWER, young farmers, technology adoption, digital/online, farmers economy

Topic: Young Agripreneur in Horticulture

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