The Impacts of Online Motorcycle Taxi - Understanding Travel Behaviour of Young People in Bandung
Adni Bidari Putri [1], Clemence Cavoli [2], Peter Jones [2]

[1] Imperial College London
[2] University College London


Online ride-hailing emerged as the new mobility service that offers benefits for the users, such as service flexibility and smartphone accessible. Efficiency gain by the service is assumed to reduce the use of private vehicles, which further hope to ease traffic congestion, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and lead to a sustainable system. This research investigated users^ travel behaviour and examined the impact of the online motorcycle taxi (OMT) emergence in Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) in terms of modal shift and carbon footprints across diverse segments of the population. The analysis will focus on young people behaviour, considering they play a key role in shaping the future of urban mobility. This study applied Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) to identify factors influencing mode preference. The result implied that gender, income, vehicle ownership, trip duration, and trip purpose are statistically significant to travel mode choice, as well as key performance on travel mode. From the environmental perspective, a decline in GHG emission was found from the mode shift when OMT users choose their alternative modes instead. That indicates the users tend to use a higher carbon emitter, such as private cars or taxis, if OMT is not available. Additionally, the majority of respondents intended not to change their current preference of OMT use in the future, including the occasional users who favoured private vehicles more than the service. It appears that the authority needs to implement some mechanisms in order to encourage sustainable behaviour, such as improving public mass transport service. Key performance that needs upgrading can be determined using Used Disgruntlement Index (UDI). This research assessed the UDI method for some transport services, which resulted that in-vehicle travel time of shuttle car, bus, and online taxi is at the priority to improve, along with the cost of online motorcycle taxi and waiting time of shuttle car.

Keywords: Online motorcycle taxi, mode shift, carbon footprint, key performance

Topic: Sustainable Transportation Socio-Economic Impact

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