Integrated Environment Concept: Technology for Processing Agriculture, Cattle Farming, and Household Waste at Kalibaru Wetan Village, Banyuwangi, East Java a,b,c,d) Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Mineral Technolocy, UPN ^Veteran^ Yogyakarta Abstract Banyuwangi District is one of the largest areas that have an agricultural land area in East Java. According to the central statistics of the Banyuwangi District report in 2019, Kalibaru Wetan village located in Kalibaru Sub-district has 311 Ha for harvest area and 61.29% for society who work in the agriculture sector. The concept of an integrated environment in agricultural waste, cattle farming waste, and household waste has economic value for society and can support sustainable development. The research aimed to analyze the treatment methods and the potential of agricultural waste, cattle farming waste, and household waste. Furthermore, planning the implementation of an integrated environmental concept as technically in the Kalibaru Wetan Village will be discussed in this paper. The methodology research has begun with collecting primary-secondary data and processing data with the concepts and theories of literary studies. The environmental analysis is used for determining the processing method for wastes so that the processing method can be more sustainable for society. The idea of an integrated environment in this study consisted of activities- processing straw into cattle feed, processing agricultural waste into compost, processing cattle farming waste into biogas, processing bio-slurry into liquid fertilizer, waste sorting programs, and planting training. The integrated concept was sustained and relating concept with the others so that the integrated concept has potential for giving benefit to society if implemented in Kalibaru Village. Keywords: biogas, compost, integrated environment, waste Topic: Agricultural Environment, Ecology and Resources |
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